Spiritual Centring – Connect with your Soul’s potential

Combining different healing techniques this workshop gives very practical exercises to balance and center yourself and through that connect with your soul’s potential. Belara and Nirr will combine trusted methods as Body Feng Shui, Atlantis Crystal Healing, Starlight Essences Therapy and Lotus Healing to improve the energy flow through your light channel along the spine….

Nirr’s message November 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: We still think we have to prove ourselves – but that’s not the case. It’s about listening into ourselves and listening to the impulses of our soul. Sometimes they are very clear and therefore easy to understand and in very hectic times, when the outside world is loud, we often have…

Nirr’s message October 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: Quiet your mind ! The time is now to be quiet again and to listen to the changes. Because in ourselves and around us creation happens at lightning speed and no longer as we were used to it from the past. Creation happens in a manner which we need to bring…

Nirr’s message September 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: SOLACE: Devote yourself and experience a comforting time full of love and exciting moments. Lay flat on the ground and connect with the earth. Breathe deeply into the earth to become one with her heartbeat and to experience and feel what surrender means. Surrender to life and surrender to your being…


This article is especially dedicated to my personalised Atlantis Crystal Healing treatment: ‘MANIFESTING THE FLOW OF DIVINE PEACE for the Golden Age‘ tailored to my divine qualities and ready to share with the world:) In this treatment, developed in the training ‘Crystalline Initiation Path’, I will be working with a special initiated and charged Citrin…

Nirr’s message July 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: The voice of God is unmistakable. Only for those who have been ignoring the Divine for decades, will continue to be deaf and indulge in oblivion. They will ultimately have to make a decision whether they really want to participate in this increase of consciousness or retreat and to eventually join…

Creating your Life with AFFIRMATIONS

I think affirmations are an important topic in the field of alternative medicine and holistic therapies and that’s why I picked up this topic in this week’s newsletter from Louise Hay where she is, like always, very nicely describing the meaning of affirmations and how we create our life with our thoughts. So here she…

Loving yourself and let self doubt go

~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x_Dx8Kg1vc ~ Close your eyes, focus on your breathing and follow your breath as it comes and goes Let your breath guide you into your heart chakra, feel the love in your heart chakra just above your breastbone, BREATH IN LOVE. Expand your love from the heart chakra, flood your whole body with the…

Nirr’s message June 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: The strong light pulses of the new moon at the end of May are accompanied by strong energy changes which almost catapult us into June. The continuously sown light seeds of the past appear now more and more and begin to bear their fruits. The spiritual networks which have prepared and…