Monthly energy update November 2018

DE below Due to the strong light impulses at the end of October, which made “wishy-washy” energies almost unbearable and the clarity of these strong light impulses shattered almost everything that wasn’t connected and in alignment with the higher Self – now, the light impulses at the beginning of November also demand alignment, clarity and…

Monthly energy update October 2018

DE below After having been able to adapt to a new level of communication in the previous month, September has ended with a very special event, the day and night equals announcing the official beginning of Fall/Autumn  on the 23rd September. Shortly thereafter, on the 25th of September, the full moon also played its part…

Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Nirr’s message July 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: The voice of God is unmistakable. Only for those who have been ignoring the Divine for decades, will continue to be deaf and indulge in oblivion. They will ultimately have to make a decision whether they really want to participate in this increase of consciousness or retreat and to eventually join…

Nirr’s message June 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: The strong light pulses of the new moon at the end of May are accompanied by strong energy changes which almost catapult us into June. The continuously sown light seeds of the past appear now more and more and begin to bear their fruits. The spiritual networks which have prepared and…

Nirr’s message January 2017:

Monthly shamanic fire message: Once again it is time. A new year begins and we set ourselves goals, or not…. regardless, this year is shaped by finding your divine gifts. And therefore please start to take time everyday to get quiet, at least 15 minutes, to listen to yourself. Listen inside of you, listen to…

Nirr’s message December 2016:

Monthly shamanic fire message: YES, there is a lot going on in the light worlds. For those who are already aware of these changes in the light worlds and for those who are already very receptive to light, it is now very exciting and also much easier to deal with these impulses and to integrate…

Nirr’s message November 2016:

Monthly shamanic fire message: It is now time to put into action the energies which come in waves onto earth through the lunar cycles. These energies, these incoming light impulses, germinate the seeds that have been sown for a long time. Through these growing creation and changing processes that are now wanting to be lived,…

Nirr’s message October 2016

Monthly shamanic fire message: PEACE, PEACE, PEACE Peace is a vibration which is for many not perceptible anymore because it was so rare in previous times. Due to this new age, the Aquarius Age, the vibration of peace is growing in its meaning again, because peace wants to be expressed and lived in a new…