Nirr’s message June 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: The strong light pulses of the new moon at the end of May are accompanied by strong energy changes which almost catapult us into June. The continuously sown light seeds of the past appear now more and more and begin to bear their fruits. The spiritual networks which have prepared and…

Atlantis Crystal Healer Update 2017

Yesterday’s Atlantis Crystal Healing Update 2017 full of new healing and transformational methods of the golden Age. See the amazing crystal mandala pic below; this technique brings support from the Starlight heavens into rooms and places and therefore also for participants taking part in celebrating this ritual. It initiates a new creational energy flow and…

Starlight Essences Chakra Training

The Starlight Essences system was developed in 2002 and is connected with the Starlight portal at Stonehenge. It is now a worldwide essences system. There are three levels of essences and they involve the energies of many different star and planetary systems. This training will start with an introduction to the Starlight Essences, how you…

Fireshamanic Drum Journey – Consultation on Skype

Feel free to check out my articles: ~ Fireshamanic workshop – Reconnect with your roots ~ Fireshamanism ~ OM NAMAH SHIVAYA If you resonate with the fire shamanic vibrations, feel free to contact me for a fire shamanic consulation on Skype on a topic/theme of your choice. I will then connect with the fire shamanic…

Post from 28.3.2016 in German (Die kristallin-goldene Friedenslichtbehandlung)

Manifestieren des göttlichen Friedensflusses für das Goldene Zeitalter Seit Sommer 2015 gibt es nun zusätzlich zu der atlantischen Kristallheiler-Ausbildung den neuen 4-tägigen Kurs „Der kristalline Initiationsweg”. In diesem Kurs weiht Deborah Reiter (Starlight Center, Salisbury, England), die auch Ausbilderin für die atlantischen Kristallheiler ist, die Teilnehmer in die flüssige Kristalleben des Christuslichtes ein. Diese neue…

Message from the Fire: July 2016

This month will be a very special one. The gates of heaven are wide open. The golden light streams out and the light of the sun’s rays strengthens the Divine Fire. Strong transformational energy flows through the sun into our heart and into our whole energy system. Humanity is called upon to consciously take part…

Fireshamanic Workshop

For dates and more information about the events see me on facebook Nirr Consulting & Healing


The New Atlantis Crystal Healer method enhances the flow from Heaven to Earth and strenghtens your inner guidance. It supports you in hearing your inner voice more clearly and enables you to follow this guidance more easily. A great support on your path. Nirr is working with his Dorje (a carved quartz crystal) on the…