Monthly energy update March 2019

DE below Hello you beloved STAR-SOUL : After the last week in February which was a great time for a deep cleanse, a fast, a diet or a detox, the first week in March should also be used to do something good for your body. Treat yourself to a massage, go swimming, have a sauna,…

Monthly energy update February 2019

DE below The preparations for the upcoming year are continuing to expand at the beginning of February and the new moon energies on the 4th of February make it really clear that for many things the tracks are already laid for the following months to come. The energies for 2019 are subconsciously going to immerse…

Monthly energy update January 2019

DE below LET THE MAGIC HAPPEN: The Work on decoding the code – building your sacred inner space, that has become even more intense during Christmas and by the end of 2018, releases a powerful impulse – a vibration of joy. Yes, a joyful vibration that goes hand in hand with a thrill – because…

Monthly energy update December 2018

DE below A declaration of love to the earth Once again, Christmas is at the doorstep and delights with its charm and so the heart chakra is once again the focus of the first weeks of December. It is not only the gentle healing pink of the heart chakra which wants to be nourished and…

Monthly energy update November 2018

DE below Due to the strong light impulses at the end of October, which made “wishy-washy” energies almost unbearable and the clarity of these strong light impulses shattered almost everything that wasn’t connected and in alignment with the higher Self – now, the light impulses at the beginning of November also demand alignment, clarity and…

Monthly energy update October 2018

DE below After having been able to adapt to a new level of communication in the previous month, September has ended with a very special event, the day and night equals announcing the official beginning of Fall/Autumn  on the 23rd September. Shortly thereafter, on the 25th of September, the full moon also played its part…

Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Monthly energy update September 2018

DE below After saying goodbye to the full moon energy in August it once more shows that the Shakti is on the rise and that September announces itself very pleasantly. Shaken by the energies in August, the September month starts with a cleanup. Churned up impulses, visions and sometimes emotional outbursts, which made August tiring…

Nirr’s monthly energy update July 2018

DE below The last months of June have brought more clarity to the subject ‘increasing self confidence – feeling aligned to your path’. Even if some still don’t feel really safe yet, a subliminal vibration has settled in, which provides a foundation for more stability at the heart level. With this new alignment, in beginning…

Energetic Feng Shui – Space Clearing for your Home

Hi there, Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt tense – before even looking around? By contrast, have you entered another place that gave you a feeling of freedom and well-being for no apparent reason? The difference between these two rooms can be explained, at least in part, by energy. True, some environments are simply…