Agni’s lecture with Dr. John Young on 2014/11/24 in Taipei

Love is the reason that we are here now, that we can experience our heaven on earth. Through many incarnations we developed qualities by diving deeper into certain experiences of ourselves. Today we are invited to accept all our qualities of all our lives and to bring all our heavens to earth. The heart is…

Spiritual thoughts focused on Football and Domestic Violence

Loved One 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime. Loved one, a professional football athlete make millions of dollars by smashing his body into another. As a result of this collision of blood and bone …in the process receives an estimated 900 to 1500 blows to the head in a career….

Power Places / Kraftplasser

Atlantis Krystall Healere lager kraftplasser med natursteiner og med sine spesielle krystaller. For dem er det mulig å lage steinsirkler som fungerer som helbredelses-, og visdoms-kraftplasser. De er laget for et spesielt tema i hagen eller ut i naturen. De inneholder all viten om krystaller fordi de er lagret og bevoktet dypt nede i jorden….

Atlantis Crystal Healing for the Spine

The spine crystal frees and enhances the flow in the spine channel. The light channel, which flows through the spine, is a channel of devotion and the main energy flow between heaven and earth. The spine is a willpower / success organ and therefore, the flow in the spine is often affected and reduced by…

Crystal Healing Evening – Monday 23.6.2014

As an ATLANTIS CRYSTAL HEALER, Nirr will use special crystals to dissolve blockages in the Subtle Energy Bodies (Aura), from which the physical body can benefit too. On this evening, Nirr will use methods which involve a HERKIMER CRYSTAL and a CRYSTAL POINT. Both methods transform, create space for a new flow and support that…