Nirr’s message June 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: The strong light pulses of the new moon at the end of May are accompanied by strong energy changes which almost catapult us into June. The continuously sown light seeds of the past appear now more and more and begin to bear their fruits. The spiritual networks which have prepared and…

Nirr’s message December 2016:

Monthly shamanic fire message: YES, there is a lot going on in the light worlds. For those who are already aware of these changes in the light worlds and for those who are already very receptive to light, it is now very exciting and also much easier to deal with these impulses and to integrate…

Fireshamanic Drum Journey – Consultation on Skype

Feel free to check out my articles: ~ Fireshamanic workshop – Reconnect with your roots ~ Fireshamanism ~ OM NAMAH SHIVAYA If you resonate with the fire shamanic vibrations, feel free to contact me for a fire shamanic consulation on Skype on a topic/theme of your choice. I will then connect with the fire shamanic…

Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves

WORKSHOP Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves with Deborah’s Starlight Essences: ~ Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves leads to a more balanced perception and relation with our outer world – thus with our partner and relationships in general. Connecting with others and our environment gains in depth and in quality…

Fireshamanic Workshop

For dates and more information about the events see me on facebook Nirr Consulting & Healing

Reconnect with your roots

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who do you think you are ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did you train in a certain profession so you are a skilled worker in XY? Maybe you have children so you are a father or a mother? You were born in a country so do you belong to that nationality? You speak a certain…

Hands on Healing

Healing by laying your hands on… … Hands on healing has been used since ancient times and the healing power flowing through your hands could always be used for yourself and for others. In this article I would like to focus more about using your healing powers by laying your hands on parts of your…

Happy Valentine’s day

Available on the Etsy shop StarStoneCrystals. Soft, gentle and filled with Love, this is a beautiful Rose Quartz crystal heart necklace, wrapped with sterling silver wire and infused and energized with Deborah’s Starlight Essence ‘Eternal Love’. Not only does this beautiful crystal look lovely but wearing it lets you carry and work with the energy…