The Heart Center – key to empowerment

Everyone is asked to strengthen their love, their ‘heart muscle’ and to focus on the heart center, close to the breastbone in the middle of the chest.

Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Loving yourself and let self doubt go

~ ~ Close your eyes, focus on your breathing and follow your breath as it comes and goes Let your breath guide you into your heart chakra, feel the love in your heart chakra just above your breastbone, BREATH IN LOVE. Expand your love from the heart chakra, flood your whole body with the…

Nirr’s message January 2017:

Monthly shamanic fire message: Once again it is time. A new year begins and we set ourselves goals, or not…. regardless, this year is shaped by finding your divine gifts. And therefore please start to take time everyday to get quiet, at least 15 minutes, to listen to yourself. Listen inside of you, listen to…

Reconnect with your roots

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who do you think you are ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did you train in a certain profession so you are a skilled worker in XY? Maybe you have children so you are a father or a mother? You were born in a country so do you belong to that nationality? You speak a certain…

Hands on Healing

Healing by laying your hands on… … Hands on healing has been used since ancient times and the healing power flowing through your hands could always be used for yourself and for others. In this article I would like to focus more about using your healing powers by laying your hands on parts of your…

HEALING – and the significance of the heart chakra

Now, in times of the Aquarius Age (we could also say, in times of the Heart Chakra age), Healing of and with the heart chakra and connecting through the heart chakra is gaining more and more in significance. Why? Energies pouring in from heaven and also rising from the Earth’s core and want to unite….


Hei 🙂 Hello and a warm welcome to all of you. This blog is still under construction, please bear with while this is in progress and I can share the whole range of Nirr Readings & Healing with you. Feel free to investigate and to browse through the pages : – Nyheter/News –> new Workshops…