DE below With its full moon, the last week of July expresses the theme ‘communication with the spiritual world’ and ‘mysticism’. Through the conscious or unconscious (for example while we are sleeping) communication with the spiritual world, new channels of consciousness have been revealed, which strive for expansion in the first week of August. Above…
Tag: Change
Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves
WORKSHOP Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves with Deborah’s Starlight Essences: ~ Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves leads to a more balanced perception and relation with our outer world – thus with our partner and relationships in general. Connecting with others and our environment gains in depth and in quality…
Agni’s lecture with Dr. John Young on 2014/11/24 in Taipei
Love is the reason that we are here now, that we can experience our heaven on earth. Through many incarnations we developed qualities by diving deeper into certain experiences of ourselves. Today we are invited to accept all our qualities of all our lives and to bring all our heavens to earth. The heart is…
Atlantis Crystal Healing for the Spine
The spine crystal frees and enhances the flow in the spine channel. The light channel, which flows through the spine, is a channel of devotion and the main energy flow between heaven and earth. The spine is a willpower / success organ and therefore, the flow in the spine is often affected and reduced by…
KRYSTALL HEALING KVELD på 16.6. og 23.6.
Som ATLANTIS KRYSTALL HEALER, bruker Nirr spesielle krystaller for å løse blokader i de enkelte energikroppene (Auraen) slik at også den fysiske kroppen kan frigjøre seg fra plager. På denne kvelden bruker Nirr to metoder som inneholder bruk av en HERKIMER-KRYSTALL og en KRYSTALLTOPP. Begge metoder transformerer, bevisstgjør mer og skaper plass for mer FLYT…
ILDsjamanistisk Workshop – LUFT og VANN
~ I kontakt med elementer er du i forbindelse med deg selv, dine omgivelser og jorden. ENS med universet. I en meditasjon og i forbindelse med tromming/synging fører Nirr deg i kontakt med elementene LUFT og VANN og hermed med ditt Indre Selv. ~ Ta med hvis mulig et liggeunderlag. Hjertelig Velkommen. Arrangør: Nirr Consulting…