Loving yourself and let self doubt go

~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x_Dx8Kg1vc ~ Close your eyes, focus on your breathing and follow your breath as it comes and goes Let your breath guide you into your heart chakra, feel the love in your heart chakra just above your breastbone, BREATH IN LOVE. Expand your love from the heart chakra, flood your whole body with the…

Nirr’s message April 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: It is now time to welcome the new kings and queens, princes and princesses, the real leaders and rulers. It is a very merciful time where the real leaders and rulers, the ones who lead with their heart, can regain their dignity and rule again. It is a time of joy…

Nirr’s message January 2017:

Monthly shamanic fire message: Once again it is time. A new year begins and we set ourselves goals, or not…. regardless, this year is shaped by finding your divine gifts. And therefore please start to take time everyday to get quiet, at least 15 minutes, to listen to yourself. Listen inside of you, listen to…

Nirr’s message October 2016

Monthly shamanic fire message: PEACE, PEACE, PEACE Peace is a vibration which is for many not perceptible anymore because it was so rare in previous times. Due to this new age, the Aquarius Age, the vibration of peace is growing in its meaning again, because peace wants to be expressed and lived in a new…

Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves

WORKSHOP Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves with Deborah’s Starlight Essences: ~ Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves leads to a more balanced perception and relation with our outer world – thus with our partner and relationships in general. Connecting with others and our environment gains in depth and in quality…

Nirr’s message August 2016

Emptiness. Why Emptiness ? After this strong period of transformation it is now time to fill the resulting emptiness, which can sometimes be perceived as very unpleasant and a little bit disorientating, with LOVE and LIGHT. This emptiness wants to be filled with YOUR BEING. Enjoy the coming time and consciously let YOUR BEING stream…


The New Atlantis Crystal Healer method enhances the flow from Heaven to Earth and strenghtens your inner guidance. It supports you in hearing your inner voice more clearly and enables you to follow this guidance more easily. A great support on your path. Nirr is working with his Dorje (a carved quartz crystal) on the…

Reconnect with your roots

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who do you think you are ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did you train in a certain profession so you are a skilled worker in XY? Maybe you have children so you are a father or a mother? You were born in a country so do you belong to that nationality? You speak a certain…

Crystalline Golden Light treatment

In Addition to the Atlantis Crystal Healing apprenticeship a new 4 day training, “THE CRYSTALLINE INITIATION PATH” came to earth in Summer 2015. This training, taught by Deborah Reiter (Starlight Centre, Salisbury, England), is initiating the participants into the liquid crystalline levels of the Christ light. This new creational levels haven’t been on earth so…