Nirr’s message November 2016:

Monthly shamanic fire message: It is now time to put into action the energies which come in waves onto earth through the lunar cycles. These energies, these incoming light impulses, germinate the seeds that have been sown for a long time. Through these growing creation and changing processes that are now wanting to be lived,…

Nirr’s message October 2016

Monthly shamanic fire message: PEACE, PEACE, PEACE Peace is a vibration which is for many not perceptible anymore because it was so rare in previous times. Due to this new age, the Aquarius Age, the vibration of peace is growing in its meaning again, because peace wants to be expressed and lived in a new…

Fireshamanic Drum Journey – Consultation on Skype

Feel free to check out my articles: ~ Fireshamanic workshop – Reconnect with your roots ~ Fireshamanism ~ OM NAMAH SHIVAYA If you resonate with the fire shamanic vibrations, feel free to contact me for a fire shamanic consulation on Skype on a topic/theme of your choice. I will then connect with the fire shamanic…

Fireshamanic Workshop

For dates and more information about the events see me on facebook Nirr Consulting & Healing

Reconnect with your roots

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who do you think you are ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did you train in a certain profession so you are a skilled worker in XY? Maybe you have children so you are a father or a mother? You were born in a country so do you belong to that nationality? You speak a certain…

Tilbakehenting av sjel – SJELHENTING

Mange av oss har hørt om henting av sjelen som sjamanistiske helbredelse metode eller som sjamanistiske metode for å gjenopprette og styrke livskraft. I denne teksten finnes noen suppleringer og eventuelle forklaringer om denne sjamanistiske filosofien og utøvelsen. Ordet ‘Sjel‘ i Sjamanisme betyr livskraft og sjamanen anser hver del (armer, hender, organer, kjertler, bein osv)…

ILDsjamanistisk Workshop – LUFT og VANN

~ I kontakt med elementer er du i forbindelse med deg selv, dine omgivelser og jorden. ENS med universet. I en meditasjon og i forbindelse med tromming/synging fører Nirr deg i kontakt med elementene LUFT og VANN og hermed med ditt Indre Selv. ~ Ta med hvis mulig et liggeunderlag. Hjertelig Velkommen. Arrangør: Nirr Consulting…


Shamanism is the oldest form of lightwork. Shamans have served the light since creation began. From strong, developed, complex civilisations to the most basic, they have always had their place in every society or culture. But when they vanish from societies, it is a sign that the end of this society is coming. Shamans mediate…


Hei 🙂 Hello and a warm welcome to all of you. This blog is still under construction, please bear with while this is in progress and I can share the whole range of Nirr Readings & Healing with you. Feel free to investigate and to browse through the pages : – Nyheter/News –> new Workshops…