Nirr’s monthly energy update August 2018 …grounded ?

DE below With its full moon, the last week of July expresses the theme ‘communication with the spiritual world’ and ‘mysticism’. Through the conscious or unconscious (for example while we are sleeping) communication with the spiritual world, new channels of consciousness have been revealed, which strive for expansion in the first week of August. Above…

Spiritual Centring – Connect with your Soul’s potential

Combining different healing techniques this workshop gives very practical exercises to balance and center yourself and through that connect with your soul’s potential. Belara and Nirr will combine trusted methods as Body Feng Shui, Atlantis Crystal Healing, Starlight Essences Therapy and Lotus Healing to improve the energy flow through your light channel along the spine….

Loving yourself and let self doubt go

~ ~ Close your eyes, focus on your breathing and follow your breath as it comes and goes Let your breath guide you into your heart chakra, feel the love in your heart chakra just above your breastbone, BREATH IN LOVE. Expand your love from the heart chakra, flood your whole body with the…

Starlight Essences Chakra Training

The Starlight Essences system was developed in 2002 and is connected with the Starlight portal at Stonehenge. It is now a worldwide essences system. There are three levels of essences and they involve the energies of many different star and planetary systems. This training will start with an introduction to the Starlight Essences, how you…

Guidet Meditasjon – Sola

~ I en Guidet Meditasjon hjelper Nirr deg med å få kontakt med energien fra sola, slik at du også kan få erfare solenergien i ditt Indre. Når blir erfart og integrert i ditt Indre, er det lettere å akseptere dette sterke lyset som kan virke veldig transformerende. Den integrerte, rene solenergien hjelper deg med…