Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Starlight Essences Chakra Training

The Starlight Essences system was developed in 2002 and is connected with the Starlight portal at Stonehenge. It is now a worldwide essences system. There are three levels of essences and they involve the energies of many different star and planetary systems. This training will start with an introduction to the Starlight Essences, how you…

Atlantis Krystall Healing – Chakra Behandling

Chakraene inneholder de individuelle skapelsesnivåene; via disse blir det individuelle livet dannet/skapt. Alle livsområder og personlige temaer har en chakraresonans. De fargerike mangfoldighetene av chakrasteiner kommer her til bruk. Skader fra fortiden kan hermed bli helbredet. Skapelsesnivåer og potensialer i chakraene blir vekket og underskudd blir balansert. Du kan erfare ditt egen lys. Ved hjelp…

Nirr Consutling på alternativ messe i Trondheim Spektrum 25.-27.4.2014

Har du interesse i alternative behandlingsmetoder ? Kom for prøvebehandlinger til Spektrum i Trondheim. Nirr Consulting tilbyr : ~ Starlight Essenser Chakrabehandling ~ Atlantis Crystall Healing for Ryggen For mer informasjon om Messen : http://www.altnett.no/no/messer/trondheim_25-27april_2014/Velkommen+til+alternativmessen+i+Trondheim+2014,+25.-27.+april.9UFRzG4_.ips