Nirr’s message January 2017:

Monthly shamanic fire message: Once again it is time. A new year begins and we set ourselves goals, or not…. regardless, this year is shaped by finding your divine gifts. And therefore please start to take time everyday to get quiet, at least 15 minutes, to listen to yourself. Listen inside of you, listen to…

Nirr’s message December 2016:

Monthly shamanic fire message: YES, there is a lot going on in the light worlds. For those who are already aware of these changes in the light worlds and for those who are already very receptive to light, it is now very exciting and also much easier to deal with these impulses and to integrate…

Nirr’s message November 2016:

Monthly shamanic fire message: It is now time to put into action the energies which come in waves onto earth through the lunar cycles. These energies, these incoming light impulses, germinate the seeds that have been sown for a long time. Through these growing creation and changing processes that are now wanting to be lived,…

Nirr’s message October 2016

Monthly shamanic fire message: PEACE, PEACE, PEACE Peace is a vibration which is for many not perceptible anymore because it was so rare in previous times. Due to this new age, the Aquarius Age, the vibration of peace is growing in its meaning again, because peace wants to be expressed and lived in a new…

Fireshamanic Drum Journey – Consultation on Skype

Feel free to check out my articles: ~ Fireshamanic workshop – Reconnect with your roots ~ Fireshamanism ~ OM NAMAH SHIVAYA If you resonate with the fire shamanic vibrations, feel free to contact me for a fire shamanic consulation on Skype on a topic/theme of your choice. I will then connect with the fire shamanic…

Nirr’s Message September 2016

Monthly shamanic fire message: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Love steps even more strongly into our life and pushes its way into the foreground. Our light, our love wants to be lived. A life without Love isn’t foreseen in the creators plan anymore. A life without love becomes more and more destructive and the task is to…

Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves

WORKSHOP Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves with Deborah’s Starlight Essences: ~ Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves leads to a more balanced perception and relation with our outer world – thus with our partner and relationships in general. Connecting with others and our environment gains in depth and in quality…

Nirr’s message August 2016

Emptiness. Why Emptiness ? After this strong period of transformation it is now time to fill the resulting emptiness, which can sometimes be perceived as very unpleasant and a little bit disorientating, with LOVE and LIGHT. This emptiness wants to be filled with YOUR BEING. Enjoy the coming time and consciously let YOUR BEING stream…