Awarded with a Certificate to has successfully completed the Crystalline Initiation Path. So happy to have received the new crystalline levels and to be able to integrate that into my Atlantis Crystal Healing work to support humankind and earth. For more information about Atlantis Crystal Healing see here. For more information about frequently asked question…
Category: Wellbeing
WHAT IS A CHAKRA ? Chakras and their functions were first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts of knowledge. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel and it refers to the energy centres in our body. These energy wheels regulate the flow of energy through our energy system. These centres open and close depending…
Hands on Healing
Healing by laying your hands on… … Hands on healing has been used since ancient times and the healing power flowing through your hands could always be used for yourself and for others. In this article I would like to focus more about using your healing powers by laying your hands on parts of your…
Happy Valentine’s day
Available on the Etsy shop StarStoneCrystals. Soft, gentle and filled with Love, this is a beautiful Rose Quartz crystal heart necklace, wrapped with sterling silver wire and infused and energized with Deborah’s Starlight Essence ‘Eternal Love’. Not only does this beautiful crystal look lovely but wearing it lets you carry and work with the energy…
Specially energised STAR STONES available online now
For more information or to shop, follow this link to the online Etsy store: If you have any further questions feel free to contact Nirr.
Nirr Natural Remedies – Healing Meditation
Atlantis Crystal Healing for the Spine
The spine crystal frees and enhances the flow in the spine channel. The light channel, which flows through the spine, is a channel of devotion and the main energy flow between heaven and earth. The spine is a willpower / success organ and therefore, the flow in the spine is often affected and reduced by…
KRYSTALL HEALING KVELD på 16.6. og 23.6.
Som ATLANTIS KRYSTALL HEALER, bruker Nirr spesielle krystaller for å løse blokader i de enkelte energikroppene (Auraen) slik at også den fysiske kroppen kan frigjøre seg fra plager. På denne kvelden bruker Nirr to metoder som inneholder bruk av en HERKIMER-KRYSTALL og en KRYSTALLTOPP. Begge metoder transformerer, bevisstgjør mer og skaper plass for mer FLYT…