The Well-Being balm

DE weiter unten /  Monthly Reading November 24 /  The Well-Being balm / Hello loved ones, I hope you had a nice October and were able to tune into the subtle energy levels as discussed in the last reading and perhaps even make a small astral journey? If you are interested in taking part in…

The subtle energy dimension

DE weiter unten /  Monthly Reading October 24 /  The subtle energy dimension / Hello loved ones, I hope you are doing well and that you have not only been able to feel the shift into the new frequencies over the last few months, but have also been able to play with them a little…

Be carried and supported

Monthly Reading February 24 / DE below Be carried and supported Hello loved ones, How did you spend the first month of the new year and how was the time around January 21st for you, the key date for a further serious rise in consciousness in the new, golden or Aquarian age? When I listen…

Monthly Energy Reading December 2019

DE below Here we are again, just before a new month! And in this very special case, even before the turn of the year! In terms of interesting dates, this time we have got in November and December, the New Moon on the 26th of each month. But with the New Moon in November, and…

Monthly Energy Reading November 2019

DE below The new moon on 28th October brings an extremely strong reorientation. It is as if our solar plexus, with its light of peace, is entering such a strong resonance with the new moon energy and initiating through this resonance a new kind of peace vibration on Earth. And so the word Peace will…

Monthly Energy Reading October 2019

DE below After we have left the equinox on September 23rd behind, the days are beginning to get noticeably shorter, however, a second summer still gave us some sunny days. This Indian Summer and the New Moon on September 28th invite us to expand our joy about the Light into October towards the cooler and…

Monthly Energy Reading September 2019

DE below … and tomorrow (1st September) it’s a new month again – but this time everything starts with the new moon. The intensity that it emanates in advance is quite strong and seems very exhausting for many people. Well, the time has come, we all consciously or subconsciously want to adjust our energy level…

Monthly Energy Reading August 2019

DE below Chin up and give it all your heart – that’s how we had set the motto for July and the beginning of August – and yes, give it all your heart is still a good guide. Let the head with its thoughts sink into the heart and allow this powerful force to guide…

Monthly energy Reading July 2019

DE below Now that June has come towards the end and that you have taken stock of recent months, it’s time to devote yourself to what wants to happen in the upcoming weeks. To devote yourself towards the next tasks – and such transitions often go hand in hand with transformational processes. The last weeks…

Monthly energy Reading June 2019

DE below Brilliant! May, with its multiple facets, is coming to an end and communication with our immediate environment has been put to the test. Anyone who was aware and could engage more closely with their interpersonal relationships was surprised how easy it is to generate a flow! – Or how quickly it showed what…