Service to others

The special feature that characterises and carries March is the pure, unconditional love energy from the heart chakra, just as Jesus Christ taught us back then.

The expansion of the heart centre

Monthly Reading November 21 / DE below The expansion of the heart centre Hello my Dears, it’s that time again, the new monthly November cycle is going to announce itself. After the spiritual world clearly focused on self-love in October, namely physically, mentally and spiritually, the focus in November is mainly in the heart area,…

System check

Monthly Reading September 21 / DE belowSystem check Hello loved ones,Again we have an interesting month behind us, which I personally found to be very exciting and development-promoting, especially in the second half of the month. If you would like to, why not write something down about how you experienced it? I also hope you…

Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Monthly energy update September 2018

DE below After saying goodbye to the full moon energy in August it once more shows that the Shakti is on the rise and that September announces itself very pleasantly. Shaken by the energies in August, the September month starts with a cleanup. Churned up impulses, visions and sometimes emotional outbursts, which made August tiring…

Nirr’s shamanic fire message May 2018:

DE below Following on from last month when we talked about new energies being set in motion which would have been making the next step clearer and working on your expansion. So now, after this, it is still a good exercise in the first week of May to consciously connect with the light blue energy…

Spiritual Centring – Connect with your Soul’s potential

Combining different healing techniques this workshop gives very practical exercises to balance and center yourself and through that connect with your soul’s potential. Belara and Nirr will combine trusted methods as Body Feng Shui, Atlantis Crystal Healing, Starlight Essences Therapy and Lotus Healing to improve the energy flow through your light channel along the spine….

Nirr’s message November 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: We still think we have to prove ourselves – but that’s not the case. It’s about listening into ourselves and listening to the impulses of our soul. Sometimes they are very clear and therefore easy to understand and in very hectic times, when the outside world is loud, we often have…

Nirr’s message October 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: Quiet your mind ! The time is now to be quiet again and to listen to the changes. Because in ourselves and around us creation happens at lightning speed and no longer as we were used to it from the past. Creation happens in a manner which we need to bring…