Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Why am I reading the monthly energy ?

DE below Because I wanna be a rockstar The image of a rock star? Successful, famous, many fans – be cherished … Ok, maybe not, or maybe just a little! But seriously, why? Well let me explain: With the beginning of the Aquarian or Heart Chakra age, some may call the official date 2012 (but of…

Nirr’s monthly energy update August 2018 …grounded ?

DE below With its full moon, the last week of July expresses the theme ‘communication with the spiritual world’ and ‘mysticism’. Through the conscious or unconscious (for example while we are sleeping) communication with the spiritual world, new channels of consciousness have been revealed, which strive for expansion in the first week of August. Above…

Nirr’s monthly energy update July 2018

DE below The last months of June have brought more clarity to the subject ‘increasing self confidence – feeling aligned to your path’. Even if some still don’t feel really safe yet, a subliminal vibration has settled in, which provides a foundation for more stability at the heart level. With this new alignment, in beginning…

Energetic Feng Shui – Space Clearing for your Home

Hi there, Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt tense – before even looking around? By contrast, have you entered another place that gave you a feeling of freedom and well-being for no apparent reason? The difference between these two rooms can be explained, at least in part, by energy. True, some environments are simply…

Nirr’s Message August 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: This month is devoted entirely to the expansion of the heart chakra. The new energy currents that have brought change in the last few months would like to redesign themselves by expanding the heart chakra. So do not hold yourself back and let the powerful stream of love flow through you….

Fireshamanic Drum Journey – Consultation on Skype

Feel free to check out my articles: ~ Fireshamanic workshop – Reconnect with your roots ~ Fireshamanism ~ OM NAMAH SHIVAYA If you resonate with the fire shamanic vibrations, feel free to contact me for a fire shamanic consulation on Skype on a topic/theme of your choice. I will then connect with the fire shamanic…

Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves

WORKSHOP Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves with Deborah’s Starlight Essences: ~ Harmonising of male and female aspects in ourselves leads to a more balanced perception and relation with our outer world – thus with our partner and relationships in general. Connecting with others and our environment gains in depth and in quality…

Fireshamanic Workshop

For dates and more information about the events see me on facebook Nirr Consulting & Healing