Monthly energy update September 2018

DE below After saying goodbye to the full moon energy in August it once more shows that the Shakti is on the rise and that September announces itself very pleasantly. Shaken by the energies in August, the September month starts with a cleanup. Churned up impulses, visions and sometimes emotional outbursts, which made August tiring…

Nirr’s monthly energy update August 2018 …grounded ?

DE below With its full moon, the last week of July expresses the theme ‘communication with the spiritual world’ and ‘mysticism’. Through the conscious or unconscious (for example while we are sleeping) communication with the spiritual world, new channels of consciousness have been revealed, which strive for expansion in the first week of August. Above…

Nirr’s monthly energy update July 2018

DE below The last months of June have brought more clarity to the subject ‘increasing self confidence – feeling aligned to your path’. Even if some still don’t feel really safe yet, a subliminal vibration has settled in, which provides a foundation for more stability at the heart level. With this new alignment, in beginning…

Energetic Feng Shui – Space Clearing for your Home

Hi there, Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt tense – before even looking around? By contrast, have you entered another place that gave you a feeling of freedom and well-being for no apparent reason? The difference between these two rooms can be explained, at least in part, by energy. True, some environments are simply…

Nirr’s shamanic fire message June 2018:

DE below The new energies in the second half of May have awakened streams in the earth that, when uniting with the heavenly energies, open the hearts wide in the first weeks of June. This is the perfect time for all interpersonal themes, everything regards to relation-, and partnership. The hearts are wide, love is…

Updating the current flow of energy – Atlantis Crystal Healing

With the approach of the Golden Age more new energies from creation are pouring down from heaven and want to stimulate new streams of energy in people and the earth. This requires a stronger, more natural connection and alignment with one’s own divine levels of light, your Higher Self, in order to engage more easily…

Nirr’s shamanic fire message May 2018:

DE below Following on from last month when we talked about new energies being set in motion which would have been making the next step clearer and working on your expansion. So now, after this, it is still a good exercise in the first week of May to consciously connect with the light blue energy…

Nirr’s shamanic fire message April 2018:

DE below After a month of many highs and lows, cold, storm, snow and ice, it is now time for your love to take up the extended space in your heart chakra and be ready to heal old wounds. Therefore, devote yourself to this loving vibration and flood all the old wounds, everything that is…

Nirr’s shamanic fire message March 2018 :

DE below The storm and the cold here in Europe brings new fertility, so that new things can be given birth. First it was necessary to clear new space and to create stillness and rest via storm, cold and ice. Time to enter and create an inner space of peace and clarity. The ice that…

Nirr’s monthly message February 2018

Monthly shamanic fire message: The life around us seems to be the same as before, external appearances look almost identical and yet the subtle vibrations in our energy bodies have changed and now, the communication, the transmission of these waves, wants to resonate. To be able to understand each other more easily and to be…