July the vision month

Monthly Reading July 22 / DE below July the vision month Hello loved ones, whoop whoop 🙂 How did June go ? June was functioning as an accelerator and even being already in a good flow, June had its challenges and its exhausting phases. But nevertheless even if you couldn’t figure out, what it was…

The Solar Plexus – the Peace Factory

Monthly Reading December 20 / DE below The SOLAR PLEXUS – The PEACE FACTORY Hello my Dears,Now it’s almost that time again. Christmas is getting closer, the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder. Similar to January – in December the attention should be on your power place – on the inside as well as…

Updating the current flow of energy – Atlantis Crystal Healing

With the approach of the Golden Age more new energies from creation are pouring down from heaven and want to stimulate new streams of energy in people and the earth. This requires a stronger, more natural connection and alignment with one’s own divine levels of light, your Higher Self, in order to engage more easily…

Nirr’s message July 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: The voice of God is unmistakable. Only for those who have been ignoring the Divine for decades, will continue to be deaf and indulge in oblivion. They will ultimately have to make a decision whether they really want to participate in this increase of consciousness or retreat and to eventually join…

Nirr’s message April 2017

Monthly shamanic fire message: It is now time to welcome the new kings and queens, princes and princesses, the real leaders and rulers. It is a very merciful time where the real leaders and rulers, the ones who lead with their heart, can regain their dignity and rule again. It is a time of joy…

Nirr’s Message September 2016

Monthly shamanic fire message: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Love steps even more strongly into our life and pushes its way into the foreground. Our light, our love wants to be lived. A life without Love isn’t foreseen in the creators plan anymore. A life without love becomes more and more destructive and the task is to…