Keep going

DE weiter unten /  Monthly Reading Sept 24 /  KEEP GOING / Hello loved ones, It’s that time again and we are entering a new month.How was it for you? Were you able to settle into the new energies last month? Nevertheless, it continues and the more you tune into the new frequency, the more…

Tune in to the New

DE weiter unten /  Monthly Reading August 24 /  Tune in to the New ~  Hello loved ones, How is it going and how was your July? Were you able to let your light flow and expand to the tips of your roots?  I experienced July as a very dynamic month, culminating in the full…

Expand your celestial light

DE weiter unten /  Monthly Reading July 24 /  EXPAND YOUR CELESTIAL LIGHT /  Hello loved ones, Did you enjoy June and did you download more of your celestial light? Did you connect with your heaven and allow everything that came down to flow in?  Now let us move on to the July reading. Tuning…

Heavenly Creations

Monthly ReadingJune 24 / DE further below Heavenly Creations Hello loved ones, No sooner have we talked about May than the next month is just around the corner and we’re about to look at June. Feel free to write a comment about how you felt last month and what you experienced. But now to June…

The gateway to heaven

Monthly ReadingMay 24 / DE weiter unten The gateway to heaven Hello loved ones, How did you spend April? Were you able to maintain your inner peace and balance and enjoy April by taking care of your power place? Feel free to write a few lines. The energies in May will have a very positive…

Power Place

Monthly ReadingApril 24 / DE weiter unten Power Place  Hello loved ones, How was your March and how did you get on with the introspection recommended in the last reading? Feel free to write a few lines. But let’s not waste time and get straight to April which, as expected, has a lot to offer….

Be carried and supported

Monthly Reading February 24 / DE below Be carried and supported Hello loved ones, How did you spend the first month of the new year and how was the time around January 21st for you, the key date for a further serious rise in consciousness in the new, golden or Aquarian age? When I listen…

Dimensional shift

Monthly Reading January 24 / DE below Dimensional shift  Hello loved ones, The Christmas holidays are over and the new year is just around the corner. How did you spend December and how did you feel about it?  January will be nothing short of spectacular and with the energy that has built up in December…

Be courageous, be light

Monthly Reading December 23 / DE below Be courageous, be light Hello loved ones, and yet another month is over and we’re getting closer and closer to Christmas.Please feel free to write a few lines in the comment field, about how you spent and what you experienced in November? After learning about a good conflict…

Expand your heart space

Monthly Reading November 23 / DE below Expand your heart space Hello loved ones, how was your October? Feel free to write a few comment lines below if you like. I found October once again very challenging, but also very fruitful. The advice of the spiritual world to surrender and not to get too caught…