
I have been to a couple of Nirr’s courses and they have been incredible, well worth attending xx
~ Tanja, Bournemouth, Uk

Can’t recommend this guy enough. I was feeling pretty low from recent experiences, didn’t feel myself and he made a Akashic Soulreading for me, gave me an excercise and I’m feeling so much better. I’ve been able to work on myself for myself and now have a much more positive mindset. You can’t really put a certain amount of money onto it as feeling good about yourself and your life is priceless and worth so much more. Thanks a ton for your help
~Janett, Southampton Uk

Thank you so much for the Akashic Record Reading, it really helps me and supports me on my way. I can totally recommend your work, there is so much clarity, guidance, transformation and healing in it. The informations given in the reading help me to understand myself, others and my relationships with them in a better, more profound way. It is amazing how much peace it brings. Great work, great healing! Thanks a lot!
~ Nina, Frankfurt, Germany

After attending Nirr’s event, I leave feeling more empowered, then when I arrived. Just what I needed. Nirr uses Starlight Essence Therapy, Sacred Mantras & Shamanic Drumming to clear & transform old blockages, allowing the new to show itself. This can bring new insights & liberation from the old to the new. One of many workshops that Nirr runs. As a fire shaman & with a vast array of tools & modalities, Nirr is able to bring through powerful healing & change!! Namaste!
~ Jon, Salisbury, Uk

Nirr hat mir zu verschiedenen Lebensthemen ein Live Akasha Reading gemacht. Es war sehr informativ und weiterführen für meinen Weg! Danke Nirr für deine Unterstützung und deine Liebe. Ich werde dem Fluss folgen!
~ Klaus Dortmund, Germany

What I appreciate about Nirr’s Remedy Card Reading is its power and clarity. The cards represent positive essential energies. Thus you might expect that the resulting readings are rather general in nature but on the contrary Nirr has a talent for relating these essential qualities in a very specific way to the topic you ask about. Love that Nirr is also offering the card set and his reading technique.
Was ich an Nirr’s Remedy Card Reading schätze ist die Kraft und Klarheit. Die Karten repräsentieren positive, essentielle Energien. Man könnte meinen, dass die Readings, die daraus resultieren eher allgemeinen Charakter haben, aber ganz im Gegenteil. Nirr hat die Gabe, diese essentiellen Qualitäten ganz konkret in Bezug zu setzen zu dem Thema nach dem Du ihn fragst. Toll, dass Nirr die Karten und die damit verbundene Technik auch anbietet.
~ Sarah, South France

(translated in English)
Nirr has a solid understanding of the holistic concept in humankind and shows a great understanding for intuitive processes and dynamic lives. He is a considerate, competent consultant and therapist.
(original text in Norwegian)
Nirr har en solid forståelse av helheten i mennesket og viser stor forståelse for intuitive prosesser og livets dynamikk. Han er en oppmerksom og dyktig veileder og terapist.
~ Ronald, Trondheim, Norway

(translated in English)
Dear Nirr, I appreciate your presence, your calmness and your deepness of your work. You create in your treatments a space of trustfullness where everything is possible. You are able to recognise the core of the theme and very quickly, through all the variety of your tools and initiations, you always manage to find a solution. I experienced by myself how complex and effectiv your treatments are and the healing and transformation which could happen for myself. Thank you for the great work.
(original text in German)
Lieber Nirr, was ich an dir und deiner Arbeit schätze ist deine Präsenz, deine Ruhe und deine Tiefe. Du schaffst in deinen Behandlungen einen Raum des Vertrauens, indem alles Möglich ist. Schnell erkennst du den Kern, das Thema worum es geht und findest durch deine Vielfalt an Werkzeugen und Initiationen immer einen Lösungsweg. Ich habe an mir selbst erfahren, wie vielschichtig und effektiv deine Behandlungen sind und was dadurch an Heilung und Transformation bei mir geschehen ist. Vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit!
~ Karisa Salibi, Berlin, Germany

(translated in English)
In his spiritual work, Nirr was able to open rooms to places where my soul is at home, where my power and my consciousness have their centre. The paths to those places have bridges and gates, which became concious and which are open now to visit and to go there on my own. Thank you Nirr for this wonderful, holistic support.
(translated in Norwegian)
Nirr kunne i det energiske arbeidet med meg, låse opp rom dit sjelen min er hjemme og hvor kraften og bevisstheten min har dets sentrum. Jeg kunne se at veiene dit hadde broer og porter som ble bevisste og kjente og som er åpne for meg nå. Og det er fortsatt mulig for meg å gå dit på egen hånd nå. Takk for disse vidunderlige, helhetlige støttene.
(original text in German)
Nirr konnte in der energetischen Arbeit mit mir Räume aufschließen zu Orten, an denen meine Seele zu Hause ist, wo meine Kraft, mein Bewußtsein ihr Zentrum haben. Die Wege dorthin haben Brücken und Tore, die mir dabei bekannt und bewusst geworden sind und die mir nun offen stehen, um sie auch weiterhin selbständig aufsuchen zu können. Danke für diese wundervollen, ganzheitlichen Unterstützungen.
~ Kirala Hirte-Dietrich, Berlin, Germany

(translated in English)
Hello Nirr, I would like to say thank you for your support. The last time when we met you offered me help for an issue which you perceived when we had a conversation. You found the solution very fast and very spontanous did you do a treatment for me.
Through your sensitive and calm being and your connection to Shamanism, Essences and the spiritual helpers did you help me very much. It felt more free, more relieved and more peaceful afterwards. Thank you again for your help. I’m happy to be supported by you and looking forward to see you again.

(translated in Norwegian)
På sin lydhøre og rolige måte, sin viten og sin forbindelse som sjaman med essenser og den støttende åndelige verden har Nirr hjulpet meg veldig mye. Etter behandlingen følte jeg meg mer fri, mer frelst og mer fredelig. Takk for din støtte. Jeg tar gjerne i mot din hjelp og gleder meg til vi sees igjen.
(original text in German)
Durch Deine einfuehlsame ruhige Art und die Verbindung von Schamane, den Essenzen und der helfenden Geistigen Welt und Deinem Wissen hast du mir sehr geholfen. Es fuehlte sich danach freier, erloester und friedlicher an. Danke nochmals fuer Deine Unterstuetzung. Gerne nehme ich Deine Hilfe an und freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen mit Dir.
~ Steffen, Stuttgart, Germany

For more testimonials and reviews, please visit my facebook page Nirr Journeying